Tag: Giant

New Family Member 家中新成員

Last October, my son’s bike was stolen from the underground carpark of my apartment. You might think that I didn’t properly lock the bike, but the truth is that I used a set of Cable Locks to secure it. Regrettably, those security measures were not sufficient, and the bike thieves easily cut through the locks.

兒子的單車在去年十月尾被偷了,地點是我住的 apartment 的地下停車場。 你可能認為我沒有把單車鎖好才給賊人下手的機會,但實情是我已用到一組 Cable Locks 鎖上,遺憾的是保安程度不夠高,輕易地被偷車賊剪斷了。

Downgrade 降級

家中的單車訓練台已設置兩年多,主角之一是帶領我踏入公路單車的 Giant TCR SLR1 及一對高性能 Fulcrum Racing Zero 輪組。把這對 Racing Zero 屈就在訓練台上,總是覺得有點可惜。

最近終於決定為 SLR1 來過 “降級”。

I have my indoor bike training platform for more than two years. The focus of the setup is the Giant TCR SLR1 that led me to the world of road cycling, and the set of high performance Fulcrum Racing Zero wheel-system. Frankly speaking, there should be much better use of the Racing Zero rather than leaving it as part of the indoor training setup.

Recently, I have made up my mind to “Downgrade” my SLR1.

微笑單車 YouBike

微笑單車的初邂逅 First Encounter of YouBike


You may be surprised that I have not ridden any YouBike before despite that I have been to Taipei a number of times. The main reason is that I don’t have Easycard nor local phone number. For security reason, I also don’t want to use my credit card for one-time bike rental as well.